Disable Right Click


Purchase Plugin

Disable Right-Click on Squarespace

Disabling the right-click functionality can prevent users from easily accessing the "Inspect" tool or copying elements of your site.

If you are having problems with the plugin, please get in touch with me at support@maryphilip.com.

Use discount code MARYP10 for 10% off your Squarespace subscription

Compatible with Squarespace Business Plans (not Personal), 7.1 templates, all major browsers, and mobile/tablet-friendly. You will need to be on the Website Business Plan or higher. If your site is not live yet and you would like my 20% discount code as part of the plugin, please get in touch.

Adding the code

  1. Once logged into your site, click Pages Website ToolsCode Injection

  2. In the Footer, copy and paste in the code below, then click Save.

<!--- Disable right click - maryphilip.com --->
<script>document.addEventListener("contextmenu", (event) => event.preventDefault());</script>

Testing the code

  • Open your website in a browser.

  • Right-click anywhere on the page. If the code is working, the context menu will not appear.

  • Disable JavaScript in your browser and check again. This will highlight that the protection is not foolproof, as advanced users can bypass it.

Please note: While effective for casual users, this method can be bypassed by disabling JavaScript or using developer tools directly.